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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Call for Entries: Second Annual Gold Toe Award

Submit any sort of sock-related item, or any sorted/unsorted socks as long as they're clean. Jokes, stories, drawings and photos are also welcome -- keep those clean as well. Read about the 2009 Gold Toe Award Winner for inspiration. Under normal circumstances, friends and family members of The Sock Artist would be ineligible for the 2010 Gold Toe Award. However, that would eliminate my entire readership so it's strictly open to friends, family, non-friends and non-family only. Official deadline is 12:00pm, April 10, 2010. Anticipating the massive amounts of entries I'll be receiving, the official winner of the 2010 Gold Toe Award will be announced at 12:01pm, April 10, 2010. Good luck!

2010 Gold Toe Awards
P.O. Box 21743
St. Louis, MO 63109