A Sock Drawer reader passed along this article from Meatpaper, so now I'll pass it along to you. That's just good table manners.
From Meatpaper.com:
I WAS GRILLING A JOHN LE CARRÉ NOVEL the other day when it occurred to me that the chauvinists of the world have been misunderstood: Treating someone like a piece of meat is a painstaking, attentive thing to do.(Continue reading)
I’d learned this under the tutelage of Kim Konecny, a veteran food stylist who’s prepared and arranged edibles for everyone from Dreyer’s to the New York Times Magazine. I had invited Konecny into my kitchen to work her magic on a pork chop, and to learn some of that magic myself. Could it be applied to some non-meaty, everyday objects, I wondered? Is meat intrinsically photogenic, or can anything be made to look appetizing?
I had a clown nose, a sweat sock, a plush toy, and a spy novel that otherwise did little to water the mouth.