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Monday, October 15, 2012

The Case of the Missing Sock

Exhibit A, 5:45pm: Baby tugs on sock while playing with her mother.
Exhibit B, 7:05pm: Baby experiences a painful reminder about the difficulties of conserving socks while reading the current issue of Missouri Conservationist with her aunt. Exposed left toe indicates that the sock disappeared sometime between 5:45pm and 7:05pm.
Exhibit C, 8:05pm: Sock discovered in dishwasher after 65-minute wash cycle. We're happy to report the bowl and sock are safe and clean. Baby was sleeping at the time of discovery, so she could not make a positive ID. Owner of the bowl is unknown as well, although witnesses have stated similar-looking bowls have been spotted in the area.
Quote from the usual suspect, the dryer: I've maintained my innocence from Day 1. I wouldn't trust that dishwasher with my worst dish...or sock!

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