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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Call for Entries: 2009 Gold Toe Award

As long as there have been starts, stops and high-fives, there have been exciting events and competitions, with the exception of dueling pianos. When I was a kid I concocted several competition ideas. Sure, I started out like every other kid, with activities like pickle-eating and staring contests. Looking back, however, I don't think the allure was in the actual competitions, but an eight year-old's ability to imagine things on a grand scale and stage: bike races, kick-ball tournaments, sock races, swinging festivals, wagon contests (in my Little House days), and domino contests. You name it. I made tickets, designed uniforms (lots of layering), recruited help from kids at school, scouted locations, even guaranteed motors to each participant of the 1983 backyard box-car race since my dad worked at Ford. The only thing I didn't do was follow through with most of the competitions, but damn, we looked good. Today I'm pleased to announce the first competition I've thought about organizing and announcing since 1987.

Official 2009 Gold Toe Award Rules:
Submit any sort of sock-related item, or any sorted/unsorted socks as long as they're clean. Jokes, stories, drawings and photos are also welcome -- keep those clean as well. Under normal circumstances, friends and family members of The Sock Artist would be ineligible for the 2009 Gold Toe Award. However, that would eliminate my entire readership so it's strictly open to friends, family, non-friends and non-family only. Official deadline is 12:00pm, February 12, 2009. Anticipating the massive amounts of entries I'll be receiving, the official winner of the 2009 Gold Toe Award will be announced at 12:01pm, February 12, 2009. Good luck!

2009 Gold Toe Awards
P.O. Box 21743
St. Louis, MO 63109

or submit email entries here


ew said...

Can I enter Derek and Toby? I'll definitely win. What's the prize..? and don't tell me fake cola!

Miranda said...

Let's just say you'll want to be near your phone on February 12, 2009 at 12:01pm. This is bigger than the PCH Prize Patrol.